When it comes to White Elephant parties, Dirty Santas, and Yankee Swaps, it’s hard to tell what gift you should bring and if the party is going to be a rager or complete dud. From $10 white elephant gift ideas to the ultimate white elephant gag gifts so you can spice up all of your holiday parties. Enjoy the best gift ideas for your white elephant party.
Use these links to jump to a section, or scroll down the page to view all the White Elephant gifts that everyone will fight over this year.
33 Best White Elephant Gifts

Your white elephant gift exchange will be like no other. If you’re ready to make this the best Yankee Swap party ever, you need the most unique and personalized gift idea. Pick a white elephant gift everyone will try to trade to get. Enjoy our ultimate list of white elephant gifts.
33 Funny White Elephant Gifts

We have a huge list of hilarious and super inappropriate white elephant gifts. You’ll be the hero of the party and king of the gift exchange with these gift ideas.
33 Affordable White Elephant Gifts

Everyone wants to have fun at the white elephant party. But you also want to keep it cheap and affordable so everyone can partake. Here’s an inexpensive list of the most affordable white elephant gift ideas that are under $20.